ECO provides Fine Art Shipping, transport service worldwide, pairing the needs and condition of the object with the most sensible and expedient mode of packing, shipping and handling.

  • Trucking, shuttling
  • Air and ocean freight
  • Customs Brokerage

Packing solutions for art and antiquities is unique, and the process is inherently creative, ECO Fine Art Shipping imposes strict standards for optimum safety. Each crate is designed from the ground up and built from scratch to meet the specific needs of the artwork at hand. Using dedicated techniques as 3D scanning and 3D printing for perfection.

All wood is treated for international shipping; plywood is chemically treated and lumber is heat-treated to comply with international guidelines and restrictions.

ECO Fine art shipping services is suitable for antiques, including furniture and other large household items, as well as commercial display pieces, antique arcade games and more.

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